I guarantee they're not half as bad as the UK. (Australia aside, Neighbours and Home and Away, jeeeeeeeesus.)
I don't watch soaps, but I caught twenty minutes of the festering mess that Coronation Street is this evening. Suffice to say I wanted to contract a swift terminal illness for a large chunk of that time.
Mind numbing, intellect sapping effluence. Maybe that should be the advertising lure?
This pile of utter donkey fart apparently gets viewing figures in the millions - people actually tune in to watch this shite? It's almost as bad as Xfactor, although it's not half as well acted or scripted.
I mean this is a show that has a DVD out for Christmas showcasing the bizarre exploits of a man who clearly has a learning difficulty, with him wife (who's actually a man) on holiday...in Romania. Give me a break. You cannot make this shit up.
I often wonder whether I am in the Truman show and this is all just a great test of my patience with humanity.