The problems are plain and simple in my opinion, and someone should be hit with a stick, because to me they are obvious:
- I am not interested in watching Pepsi adverts - this is not a cool, exciting or innovative feature.
- I can watch film/tv trailers on my terms on the web - I have no interest in seeing Ben Affleck's face any more than I have to.
- Will this move attract readers? No - in a market that is already diluted this is a poor attempt to revive interest - I'm certainly not drawn to shiny things. "ou some foil!" *scurries away.
- In an age of consumer "green/carbon" awareness - who was the dimwit that thought mass producing pointless tech waste into the pages of a mag was a good idea? The recycling argument is pretty poor here because are you going to pull out pages? This is a logistical nightmare and unmaintainable idea.
- The screen is embedded into a thicker (cardboard) page. This page doesn't fold. You can't get it into your pocket. In the age of the iPOD - research and development FAIL.
- The company behind this also has tacky plans to branch into wedding albums...I think that's enough said about this business venture.